About 'Us'
Business Transformations Made Easy
Business Transformations
We help customers achieve lasting business transformations. That is, through the development of careful strategic planning, meticulous data mining, thorough analysis and tactical execution of customer outreach programs. Of course, successful programs cross multiple channels with traditional and digital marketing communications and promotions. For example, a print ad call-to-action directs readers to a website. At the same time, an email could reinforce the same action.
As in nature, the caterpillar dramatically transforms into a beautiful butterfly. In brief, we are confident we can provide the same dramatic impact for your projects around all types of business transformations .
'We' Are IPROMO Digital Services

Passion for Exploration
Most important, it’s best to start with research, by exploring and gathering disparate data sources. From compiling sales data and customer lists; then documenting current and desired future state of the company from various perspectives. Of course, this would include key business goals and objectives.
Taking It Step-By-Step
Subsequently, research is followed by establishing clear business goals. Then, marketing objectives develop which should align with these goals. Soon after, strategic planning starts with SWOT analysis, target audience definitions, then market segmentation. Ultimately, it’s all about how to reach them (marketing mix) and detailing and measuring key program success metrics.
Keeping it simple
Furthermore, marketing programs and campaign should be straightforward. It really comes down to three manageable action items: Firstly, find what is unique about your brand. Then, which of those critical brand elements should you highlight. Secondly, identify the special selling points of your product or service, then positioning each in a way to contrast with competitors. Lastly, select the best selling and marketing channels for your target markets.
stopping at nothing
In brief, the relentless pursuit of perfection, in Japan, is known as Kaizen. To explain, this word is a derivative of two Kanji characters, ‘kai’ and ‘zen.’ Individually, these mean ‘change’ and ‘good,’ or ‘change for the better’ as one word. In conclusion, I truly believe in and constantly practice this in everyday life and when approaching marketing projects. Hence, if its working, what small change, or improvement can make it work even better? Let’s stop at nothing together on your next project.
Business Transformations
Is Our Mission.
Believing in dedication and working smart
meet iPROMO
The Face Behind
Your Business Transformation
Who is Paul? What is iPromo?
Early Career Years
Paul Schiller, the founder of iPromotions, started freelancing creative design in the late 1980s. Actually, a calligraphic artwork project was my first paid freelance job. Fun Fact: I learned calligraphy from my RIT roommate at the time who took a course with Herman Zapf (1918-2015), a German type designer that taught a few semesters at Rochester Institute of Technology. Throughout my professional career I have been freelancing part-time or full-time, working on logo design, marketing consulting, website development / design and so much more.
80s and 90s
I started my career by spending almost a decade in the advertising industry as a print production professional and creative services manager in both large, multi-national and small, boutique agencies. I then spent a few years in commercial printing sales before starting at Eastman Kodak Company as a technical specialist supporting high-end commercial printing and imaging products. Then, based on performance, advancing my career as a regional (U.S. & Canada) marketing manager, then Worldwide Product Manager. During my Kodak tenure, I learned Kaizen principles and Kodak’s own implementation of TQM (Total Quality Management) using Six Sigma principles and process tenants: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC).
In 1996, as WW Product Manager, launched a consumer photo-scanner product that won ‘Top Gadgets Award’ from PC Magazine. This was due in part for its creative, irreverent approach to the owner’s manual and easy-to-use software interface.
Moments like this make me incredibly proud and privileged to have worked with such talented colleagues to gain this type of recognition for this particular product launch.

Later Career Years
2000s - 2010s
This highly-profitable division was sold to Pitney Bowes, which dismantled the company’s Rochester operations. At this time, I landed at The DiMarco Group (2003-2008), a successful, Rochester-based, multi-generational, family-owned business. A group of independently-operated businesses that are vertically-integrated in real estate development, construction management, property management, construction equipment rental/sales provider, facilities management and realty services for commercial and retail properties. During my DiMarco tenure, I was nominated twice (2004, 2008) as finalist for Marketer of the Year Award, now known as the Pinnacle Awards (Rochester Chapter | American Marketing Association)
In 2008, another former Kodak manager lured me away from DiMarco to return to Kodak for a second tour (2008-2014); to lead customer marketing/demand generation for the Americas for Commercial Printing / Graphic Communications Group.
This is where I practiced and honed my geo-coding skills including complext sales territory design along with expertly managing multi-million-dollar marketing budgets. After the Kodak bankruptcy in late 2013, I was on the move again coaxed away by a third former Kodak manager to work as a senior product manager at a video-delivery software company (think along the lines of the Netflix model); then as a senior product manager at a medical device company.
2010s - 2020s
Suffice it to say, I have a very diverse background and professional experience launching and marketing many different B2C and B2B products and services. It may not seem that I’m loyal, but on the contrary, I’m VERY loyal – not necessarily loyal to organizations. For sure, I have been loyal to my mentors, those people that valued my work ethic and the positive results I was able to deliver through a hands-on management-style which allowed me to get projects done successfully. These professional traits I mention, are tempered by a collaborative and personally amicable approach with peers, managers and direct reports. Don’t take my word, just read some of the comments from individual managers, colleagues and direct reports.
One other notable fact, former managers were loyal to me as well. They sought me out, making compelling cases to leave my current company/role to help them in their new roles. Loyalty is a “two-way street,” holding yourself to same expectations as you hold others to is very important to me.